We are all Buddha’s; this inner truth is one of the wonderful realizations we derive from regular meditation practice. We – all human beings are blessed with deep inner wisdom and compassion. Our own personal meditation practice enables us to access that wisdom and compassion so that we can experience the peace and joy that it engenders. So that we can share it with others. The following zen story helps to convey the profound realization that we are in fact “All Buddha’s”.
We Are All Buddha’s
It had been announced by an old and wise teacher that the Buddha would be arriving at the monastery this particular day to deliver a special message on the topic of enlightenment.
Like rivulets of water into a thirsty garden, devotees from far and wide began streaming into the temple grounds from all directions.
It was early morning when the air was still cool that they first started showing up and
by noon as the sun burned off that mornings chill the monasteries public grounds had become filled with hundreds of truth seeking monks.
From a distance they appeared like a sea of flowing orange coloured robes, all waiting for the enlightened one to surface. The large group of monks seemed indistinguishable from one another. Men and woman alike seated with intention yet in stillness, with shaven heads all slightly bowed in silent meditation.
By early evening, all who desired to attend were there. The tranquil silence and peace that pervaded from the monk’s meditation covered the grounds like a warm blanket as their meditation grew deeper as the day progressed into early evening. Their bodies like vehicles of peace, emanated throughout the surrounding world a state of pure rest and repose.
It was then, in the midst of this ocean of stillness that it suddenly occurred – a young monk sitting in the centre of this calm quiet pool of humanity abruptly arose, as if he were a wave stirred up from the the oceans depths and with pure joy and the sincerest intention announced to all in attendance – “I HAVE ARRIVED”!!
Story by D F Micallef (2011)